Got an essay due two weeks? Or a project this week? Or maybe a homework which needs to be passed in two days? Most would probably think "Yea, I still got TIME" and probably ended up doing it last minute. Yeah, we've all been there, and it would be quite surprising that you could actually avoid this bad habit of procrastination, and I'm here to share some opinions and suggestions which I think might help you to get over this bad habit.
First off, for those who don't know what procrastination means, it's an action of putting "less important" activities over "more important" stuffs, which most often leads to last minute preparation.
Now, we always think that we could start it tomorrow, and this excuse will anchor your mind to think that you CAN do it tomorrow, which will just go on until you really start doing it. I've always had this problem ever since I entered junior high school, thinking that this homework was nothing and just played games without doing it until the deadline arrives quite close. Luckily, I was able to finish it by doing it during the time of other teachers. In other words, I wasted my time on my games while I could've done my homework in just a few hours, and wasted even more time at school by doing it last minute and didn't focus on the lectures my teachers were giving. Hence, bringing another bad habit - borrowing notes from friends to copy. Of course, you won't realize this habit until you are mentally quiet to think through what you have done throughout the day, and this bad habit doesn't simply go away once you realize it.
You really have to conquer it, not just realizing it. If you do so, it's like seeing a fire in your house and just relax until the fire gets big enough to scare the hell out of you, and start reacting to it only to realize you have either two choices - die getting burnt or losing your house and be homeless. And of course, even though it sounds good that you "survived" the fire, you still got no where to go, with all your stuffs burnt, you're probably going to wander around looking for a job decent enough to pay for your stomach. Just like procrastination, you might survive the horror of deadlines at first, but if you keep up, this will be a bumpy road of life of yours. And as you bring along this habit to work, you're most probably gonna get fired. I, of course, can't stop this problem yet, but I could suggest some ways to help you get over this bad habit.
Firstly, PROCRASTINATING IS NOT LAZY! It just makes the individual seem lazy. Lazy is a characteristic of a person who wants to obtain pleasure but doesn't want to work on it. Procrastinating is the practice of putting less important over more important. And LITERALLY, that is just super different man!
And telling a procrastinator to "Just do it!" won't help at all. For parents out there, I might not be 100% but I'm sure you don't want your son and daughters to be a chronic procrastinator, for it will really ruin their whole life. Now, procrastinators tend to NOT able to see their goals in a certain thing they do, which is why they prefer to put things they like above it. Now here is the clue, what they need to do is make a goal, it could be anything, be a successful man/woman, to be the best singer, etc. And of course, think about it, to obtain ANY goals, there will be obstacles, I mean, cmon guys, even "I want to eat a pizza" requires either ordering the pizza and wait for it OR getting one from the kitchen and heat it for several seconds. The obstacles here is WAITING, and your goal is the pizza. Definitely, you need to know that to gain your goal, you'll need to overcome these obstacles. And another one is to be able to differentiate which activity is more urgent and needs to be done first. For parents, you can do this by asking your kid what they really want in life, and (if it's a positive goal) explain to them that they're going to go through some tough stuffs. I know some parents might not want to tell this, but at the very least, your kid must know a bit about the world out there. You can't lock them in childhood and provide them forever. So, I hope this method helps you in getting through procrastination. Remember!
"Action speaks louder than words"
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